
Empower Yourself & Your Children

Transform your relationships and build a healthy & happy family.

Through supporting and coaching parents on how to create happy and empowered families, we look at how each individual in the unit make up the whole. We explore who you are firstly as an individual, why did you make the life choices you did, and how you can overcome limiting beliefs about yourself, your partner and your children to create a life that you love.

Life does not have to be one of stress and struggle, it can be one you create by your own design.

Our specialist workshops extend parent’s knowledge into understanding themselves as an individual, the dynamic they bring to their primary relationship with their partner, and how this impacts their children. This assists and supports parents to re-create their family unit into a place of success rather than defeat and to live a life of authenticity and connection, rather than stress and despair.

Through educating parents, they learn how to foster relationships where they feel empowered and have all the tools they need to understand and appreciate their children. This helps parents expand their knowledge of their role as both figurehead and cheerleader of the family.

Through our development courses that also empower your children and youth, they are given all the skills to grow feeling worthy and loved and become adults that make a difference to this world.

Book in now, for either our individual or family coaching, or innovative workshops, to get all the answers you need.


Self-Esteem 101

Children’s sense of themselves changes as they get older. At different ages, they need different kinds of support to build healthy self-esteem.

Self-esteem is about liking yourself and who you are. For children, it comes from knowing that you’re loved and that you belong to a family that values you. You can read more about children’s self-esteem.

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Karen’s Latest Advice

Expert advice for an empowered family.

Tips To Encourage Good Behaviour

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Actively listening to your child is more than just simply hearing them. Active listening is a skill.

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Baby talk and body language.

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Empower & Embrace Your Family.

Karen is a professional family counsellor with over 20 years’ experience working with children and families in a variety of settings. She enjoys working with couples and families and has a passion for helping create and enforce boundaries with love and laughter.


“Your children may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Karen Austin

Be the parent today that you want your kids to remember tomorrow

Karen Austin

“Behind every young child who believed in himself was a parent who believed in him first”

Karen Austin

“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice”

Karen Austin

“I became the kind of parent, my mother was to me”

Maya Angelou

‘The best kind of parent is to lead by example”

Drew Barrymore